Miyerkules, Marso 14, 2012

Colors, Beautiful Colors

A Lesson Plan in Arts 4

I. Objectives

Through the aid of pictures, pupils with 80% accuracy are expected to:
                        a. compare pictures having different color combination;
                        b. give the importance of color harmony; and
                        c. use harmonious colors in an art work.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: “Colors, Beautiful Colors”

                        1. Radiance 4 by Imelda Codog, et. al, pp. 155-160.
                        2. Music, Art, Physical Education 4 by Orlando Abon, et. al, pp. 74-75.
                        3. Sparkles 4 by Rocelle Jimenez, et. al, p. 126.

                        pictures/artworks, strips of words, color wheel

III. Procedure

1.      Preparation
a. The teacher shows 2 pictures/artworks – one that is black and white (Picture A), one that is colored (Picture B).

Which of the pictures is pleasant to look at?

b. The teacher then shows 2 pictures/artworks – one that has color (Picture A), one that has color and color combination (Picture B).

Which of the pictures is pleasant to look at?

c. The teacher lastly shows 2 pictures/artworks – one that has a bad combination of colors (Picture A), one that has a good combination of colors (Picture B).

Which of the pictures is pleasant to look at?

2.      Presentation
The teacher shows the following:
a. Set 1 - Picture/s colored with PRIMARY COLORS (red, blue, yellow)

b. Set 2 - Picture/s colored with SECONDARY COLORS (violet, orange, green)

c. Set 3 - Pictures  colored with COMPLEMENTARY COLORS (red, green; blue, orange; yellow, violet)

d. Set 4 - Pictures colored with ANALOGOUS COLORS (orange, yellow-orange, red-red orange; blue, light blue, violet, dark violet; green, yellow-green, dark green, blue-green)

3.      Comparison and Abstraction
a. Are the colors in picture/s in Set 1, if combined, make a nice combination? in Set2? in Set 3? in Set4?
b. Which picture has the nice combination result?
c. What colors do you see in the picture/s in Set 1? What are these colors? (primary colors)

d. What colors do you see in the picture/s in Set 2? What are these colors? (secondary colors)

e. What colors do you see in the picture/s in Set 3? What are these colors?  (complementary colors)
f. What colors do you see in the picture/s in Set 4? What are these colors? (analogous colors)

The teacher lets the pupils examine again the pictures in the Preparation stage and the following questions are asked:

a. Which looks better?
b. What makes picture A look unpleasant? (bad combination of colors)
c. What makes picture B look pleasant? (good combination of colors)

4.      Generalization
a. What makes a picture/an artwork look pleasant? (color, shade, harmony)
b. What group of colors are in harmony? (primary colors, secondary colors, complementary colors, analogous colors)
c. When can we say that there is harmony in a picture? (if the picture is beautiful and pleasing to the eye)
d. What is the importance of color harmony? (it interests the viewer and gives him a sense of order and balance)

IV. Application
Directions: Color the pictures with harmonious colors.

A. Primary Colors                                                   C. Complementary Colors

B. Secondary Colors                                              D. Analogous Colors

V. Assignment
Directions: In a short bondpaper, draw any scenery. Color it using preferred color harmony.

                        Color harmony            5 pts.
                        Creativity                     3 pts.
                        Neatness                     2 pts.
                                               Total                           10 pts.

                                                                                 Prepared by: Reghine Demeterio

Presentation: Colors, Beautiful Colors

Assessment on “Colors, Beautiful Colors”

1-3. Draw a star (¶) on the Primary colors in the color wheel. (3 pts.)
4-6. Draw a star (¶) on the Secondary colors in the color wheel. (3 pts.)

7-12. Draw a star (¶) on the Complementary colors in the color wheels. (6 pts.)


13-20. Draw a star (¶) on the Analogous colors in the color wheels. (8 pts.)
21.-23. What are the factors to be considered for a picture/an artwork to look pleasant to the eyes?  (3 pts.)

24-25. What is the importance of color harmony? (2 pts.)

Answer Key:
Assessment on “Colors, Beautiful Colors”

1-3. Draw a star (¶) on the Primary colors in the color wheel. (3 pts.)

4-6. Draw a star (¶) on the Secondary colors in the color wheel. (3 pts.)

7-12. Draw a star (¶) on the Complementary colors in the color wheels. (6 pts.)

Any 2 colors are considered as long as they are opposite with each other.

13-20. Draw a star (¶) on the Analogous colors in the color wheels. (8 pts.)

Note: Any 4 colors are considered as long as they are adjacent with each other.

21.-23. What are the factors to be considered for a picture/an artwork to look pleasant to the eyes?  (3 pts.)
Color, Shade, and Harmony

24-25. What is the importance of color harmony? (2 pts.)
It interests the viewer and gives him a sense of order and balance.

Unit Plan
Science and Health 3
(Working Like A Scientist)

Unit Overview
Unit Plan Title:
Working Like A Scientist
Curriculum-Framing Questions

Essential Question
How is being a scientist important and applicable in our daily life?

Unit Questions
Are we doing things like a scientist?

Content Questions
What are the science ways of learning?
What are the things we need to know and use in learning the science way?
How does learning the science way help us?
Unit Summary:
The purpose of this unit is for pupils to apply the skills of observing, reading, and measuring in the real life context. Pupils start by doing and performing the activities provided by the teacher. They then report and present their observations and experiences, and share their learnings to the class. Afterwards, both the teacher and the pupils assess and discuss the pupils’ learnings and experiences. This brainstorming would serve as a discussion and review of the lessons tackled. Finally, pupils take an evaluation test to check their understanding and knowledge of the topics.

Targeted State Frameworks/Content Standards/Benchmarks:
1.    Observing
2.    Reading
3.    Measuring (Height and Weight, Area, Mass, Volume of Liquids, Temperature)
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes:
a.    Observe things using different senses
b.    State that one learns more about things through observing
c.    State that reading enriches one’s learning
d.    Identify some common measuring instruments
e.    Determine appropriate units to use when measuring length/mass/volume
f.     Measure objects as to length/area/mass/volume/temperature
g.    Describe objects more accurately using numerical quantity
h.    Compare objects measured
1.    Pose the unit question:  Are we doing things like a scientist? How? Why?
2.    Brainstorm the answers of the pupils and discuss it thoroughly.
3.    Provide hands-on activities by group given that instructions are explained clearly.
4.    Let pupils report and present their findings, observations, experiences, learnings as a group.
5.    Assess and discuss the pupils’ experiences and learnings. (Note: Teacher can either do this every after one topic or after all the topics are tackled.)
6.    Review the topics through activities/games.
7.    Evaluate pupils’ understanding of the topics through a paper-pen test and/or authentic assessments.
Approximate Time Needed:
About 4-5 days.
Prerequisite Skills:
1.    Observing
2.    Using some common measuring tools
3.    Reading and recording data
Materials and Resources Required For Unit
Technology - Hardware
     Digital Camera
     Internet Connection
Technology - Software
     Internet Web Browser
     Word Processing
Printed Materials:
Science and Health 3 by Helen Aragones, Carmelita Coronel, Miliza Romero
1.    Food to taste (e.g. banana)
2.    Rock/stones
3.    Ruler
4.    Weighing scale
5.    Weights
6.    Weighing balance
7.    Beaker/measuring cup
8.    Thermometer
9.    Bottles/containers
10.  Things to measure
11.  Masking tape
12.  Computer
13.  Microsoft Office – Excel, Word, and Publisher
Internet Resources:

Student Assessment:
Group and individual tests
Key Word Search:

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